Sam Reiche. Photo Credit: |
Addiction to alcohol typically begins when people with problems in their personal or professional life drink excessively to change the status of their feelings. Though alcohol may take their minds off of their problems, its effect is short-term. People who drink to escape their problems would eventually become dependent on alcohol, and they are the last ones to recognize it.
Sam Reiche. Photo Credit: |
According to Dr. Samuelle Klein Von Reiche, the first (and most important) step in recovering from this addiction is accepting that there is a problem and that this problem has made the alcoholic powerless. By acknowledging the problem, alcoholics become aware that there is a need to change their ways and put their lives back on the right track.
After recognizing the problem and doing something about it (i.e., seeking help from a treatment center), recovering alcoholics must keep themselves busy through healthy activities or by surrounding themselves with positive influences. Therapists like Dr. Von Reiche agree that this is an important step in long-term sobriety because recovering alcoholics learn to get used to not being dependent on alcohol or other vices.
Sam Reiche. Photo Credit: |
In maintaining sobriety, recovering alcoholics must accept that recovery is a long process that cannot be hurried. They should learn to take one day at a time, focusing on getting through the day without relapsing instead of always thinking ahead and not staying in the present moment.
Dr. Samuelle Klein Von Reiche uses a unique approach in treating patients suffering from addictions. Learn more about her at