Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dr. Samuelle Klein Von Reiche: Helping the lost find their way

For licensed psychologist Dr. Samuelle Klein Von Reiche, life is too short to live it without purpose or direction. People are put in this world so that they can realize how blessed they are and, consequently, use these blessings to inspire and aid others. With this said, at times when people lose sight of this objective, she helps them get back on track—through counseling.

Sam Reiche Photo Credit: adleriansocietywales.org.uk

Based in Clifton, New Jersey, Dr. Sam Reiche offers life coaching services to those people who tend to ask themselves the intimidating question: “What’s the point of my life?” For the acclaimed psychotherapist, people who feel that their lives are just one endless chore are lost and they need a map to see where they need to go next.

Sam Reiche Photo Credit: jackiedonelancounselling.co.uk

For Dr. Samuelle Klein Von Reiche’s patients, she is this map. By talking to them and really listening to everything they say, Dr. Sam Reiche enables all her clients to know themselves—intimately and deeply. She does this because she believes that real purpose can only be comprehended by people who are not alienated from themselves. They must be able to connect with their inner selves to know what change they can do for their sake and the people around them.

Being the “map,” Dr. Sam Klein Von Reiche makes the lost ones realize that they are never alone in their amazing journey back towards the road to greatness.

Sam Reiche Photo Credit: counsellingpsychologist.net

More information about Dr. Samuelle Klein Von Reiche and her psychotherapy practice is available at www.drsamvonreiche.com.